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This is Hapkido Vol.2 Combinateion Self-Defense Techniques

Artikelnummer: DVD-YL002
18,99 €
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This is Hapkido Vol.2
Combination Self-Defense Techniques

By Grandmaster Yong Sung Lee 9.Dan Hapkido

Grandmaster Yong Sung Lee:
- 9th Degree Black Bell in Hapmudo
- Founder and Director of Yong Sung Lee's Hapkido Studio in Clinton, Rockville, Annandal and Virginia Beach
- Expert in over 70 weapons
- Masters Degree in Kung Fu, Judo, Jujitsu, Akido, Kickboxing, Kumdo, and Tai Chi
- President of World Mudo Federation
- Former Secretary General of Korean Tae Kwon Do Association
- Author of Health, Happiness and Harmony

In this film you see:
Combination Self-defense Techniques:
Using a variety of twisting, bending, and locking techniques to flow with your Opponent using thelr own power agalnst them.
Also breathing techniques from beginner to advanced Ieveis.

Language: English
Running Time: 40 Minutes


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