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Pencak Silat - Maenpo Peupeuhan

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Artikelnummer: PENCAK-20DL-EN
12,60 €
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The Art of Fighting with the Fist

By Muhamad Rafijen

For the first time, Muhamad Rafijen, agreed to give you the principle of Maenpo Peupeuhan Agung Rais.
This Pencak Silat style from West Java had strongly developed the art of fighting with the fist.
In the Maenpo Peupeuhan Agung Rais, a block or an escape without hitting is not acceptable.
This form of Pencak is based on the effectiveness and the rapidity of the techniques.

Thanks to Mohamad Rafijien, in charge of Maenpo Peupeuhan and son of the founder (Bp Agung Rais), you will discover how to distrub your opponent and so be able to attack the fist, counter grab techniques, or defense against a knife.

With several view angles and with the explanation of Muhamad Rafijen, this film is a must for all lovers of West Javanese styles of Pencak Silat.

-Defence Against Punch
-Direct Attack
-Defence Against Hold
-Short Distance Defence
-Defence Against Knife

Languages: English, French
Running Time: 90 Minutes


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