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Mastering Judo Interview

Artikelnummer: RS510
21,00 €
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Von Großmeister Toshikazu Okada

Folgender Inhalt hat dieses Interview mit Kodokan Master Toshikazu Okada:
- Who was the Founder of Judo?
- What martial art did Jigaro Kano start in?
- What was your goal for Judo?
- When did you start Judo?
- Who was your teacher?
- Where did you teach?
- Do you still teach today?
- Do you travel to teach nowadays?
- Special Training with Oda Sensei
- More about Oda Sensei
- How many techniques do you teach?
- What was Oda Sensei famous for?
- Translations of Japanese terms
- Secret techniques of Oda Sensei
- The difference between KO'sen Judo and Oda Judo
- What was Kyuzo Mifunes famous for?
- Why did Oda concentrate on Ne Waza?
- How many techniques are there in Ne Waza?
- Have you added techniques and variations of your own?
- What is more important technique or strength?
- How did Anton Geesink change Judo in Japan?
- In Judo do they still teach resuscitation techniques?
- Is Judo today an art or a sport?
- Why did it change?
- The ban of Judo?
- Teaching for all skill levels
- Why did Kano not teach Ju-Jitsu?
- Other Martial Arts and Masters
- When you met Gichin FunaKO'shi
- Did you train with Morihei Ueshiba?
- What was Morihei Ueshiba personaly like?
- Jigaro Kano and Morihei Ueshiba
- Jigaro Kano and Giching FunaKO'shi
- In Judo what is your favorite
- The most impressive things about these Masters
- Why is Kata less important in todays Judo?
- What do you think of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
- What do you think of Bruce Lee?
- How is the Kodokan evolving?
- How is your Judo different then Kodokan Judo?

In englischer Sprache (ohne Englischkenntnisse leicht verständlich).

54 Minuten


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