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8 DVD Box Freestyle Jiu-Jitsu - Chris Brennan

Artikelnummer: ISLAND-6
49,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Chris Brennan "The Westside Strangler"

Since 1999, Island Entertainment Group has produced the finest instructional DVDs, by the greatest fighters on Earth!

In this eight-DVD set Chris "The Westside Strangler" Brennan shows you the entire submission fighter's game, and more.
The set closes with what is widelyregarded as the best Kimura and Keylock instruction ever!

Vol.1: Submissions Volume 1
Vol.2: Submissions Volume 2
Vol.3: Strikes from Standing
Vol.4: Kimura
Vol.5: Passing the Guard
Vol.6: Leg Attacks
Vol.7: Back Attacks
Vol.8: Takedowns

Language: English
Running Time: 325 Minutes


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