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8 DVD Box Ultimate Stand Up - Mixed Martial Arts

Artikelnummer: ISLAND-10
49,99 €
inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Rob "Razor" McCullough, Shonie "Mr. International" Carter & Vincent Soberano

Since 1999, Island Entertainment Group has produced the finest instructional DVDs, by the greatest fighters on Earth!

In this Ultimate Stand Up 8 DVD set, you get expert Kickboxing and Muay Thai instruction from Rob "Razor"McCullough, Shonie "Mr. International" Carter and Vincent Soberano!

Vol.1: Muay Thai Fundamentals - McCullough
Vol.2: Basic Strikes - McCullough
Vol.3: Kicking - McCullough
Vol.4: Combos & Drills - McCullough
Vol.5: Boxing - Shonie Carter
Vol.6: Kicking - Shonie Carter
Vol.7: Kicking - Vincent Soberano
Vol.8: Counters & Defense - Vincent Soberano

Language: English
Running Time: 391 Minutes


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