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Ninja Vol.1 Kenjutsu Part 1

Artikelnummer: DVD-HH001
18,99 €
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Ninja Vol.1 Kenjutsu Part 1

By Grandmaster Harunaka Hoshino

Grandmaster Harunaka Hoshino has established:
- San Francisco Japanese Sword Restoration Center, 1983
- England Ninja Society, 1992
- Kenjutsu Training Center, 1984
- Private Japanese Sword Museum, 1980
- Japanese Sword Study Group, 1977
- San Francisco Ninja Society, 1975
- The Japanese Martial Arts Training Center, 1973

Volume 1: Ninja Style Kenjutsu Part I: Brief history of Ninja/Kenjutsu: type of swords, Ninja missions and tactics of Ninja agents.
Step-by-step instructions of the following techniques:
- Omote-Nigiri (standard) & Ura-Nijiri (reverse) grip
- 11 basic Kamae (preparatory sword fighting positions) and combinations in combat
- Shinobi-Iri (footwork, 6 types of Ninja steps showing agility and strength
- Junan-Taiso (ultimate flexibility exercises) and 5 kinds of body conditioning skill
- Suburito (giant wooden sword) strengthering skills to prepare for advanced Kenjutsu training

Language: English
Running Time: 36 Minutes


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