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Pencak Silat - 20 Kuncian 20 Styles Vol.2

Artikelnummer: Pencak-8
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
By Pak Haji Syofian Nadar

PK Haji Syofyan Nadar is, actually, one of the best master in Minangkabau Silek and renowed for his knowledge in Harimau, Byang and Sunua Styles.
A real virtuoso in locks art (Kuncian).
In this film, he presents to you the second set of 10 Kuncian. 
Shooted with 2 angles, speed and slow motion, this film will give you the opportunity to increase your knowledge of Kuncian in sitting or normal position!
With the help of his 2 sons 2 assistants, Pk Haji offers to you the ability to learn deadly techniques with or without weapons.

In Bonus, and it is always a pleasure, you will see Pk Haji in a set of free applications against knife.

Ganda Kombinasi 3 Aliran:

Kombinasi Kuncian and Ganda Piso Harimau

10 Techniques Kuncian:
-Silek Harimau
-Silek Trai Kain
-Silek Harimau Singgalang
-Silek Kumango
-Silek Sunua Batino
-Silek Siranti
-Silek Batu Banyak
-Silek Lintauh
-Silek Buayo
-Silek Harimau Rimbo Bunian

-Free Applications

Languages: English, French
Running Time: 100 Minutes


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