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SDS-Concepts Tactical Combat System

Artikelnummer: BUDO-SDS1
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
How can we teach people how to defend themselves against stronger and armed opponents without difficults techniques? It may not be legal or even possible to have a weapon in a self defense situation therefor it is necesary to know how to use everyday objects at hand. Under this premise, Peter Weckauf has developed an effective, modern and individualized system of self defense, with progressive techniques and focussed on civilians, security agents, women and high qualified security officers and bodyguards. The SDS CONCEPT no only contains aggresive techniques for radical defense against any type of attacks, but also offers a great range of attacks, accupressure techniques for passive resistence situations and for the people we may have to defend, and a lot, lot more. Languages in DVD: English, Spanish, French


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